Unlock the Power of JSON Lists in JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Felipo - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of JSON Lists in JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of hardcoded values in your JavaScript code? Do you want to make your code more dynamic and flexible? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the wonders of using a list in a JSON file as an argument for a case in JavaScript. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be a master of JSON lists and JavaScript case statements.

What is a JSON List, Anyway?

A JSON list, also known as a JSON array, is a collection of values stored in a single variable. It’s a fundamental data structure in JavaScript, and it’s used extensively in web development. A JSON list can contain any type of value, including strings, numbers, booleans, objects, and even other arrays!

  "fruits": [

Why Use a JSON List in a JavaScript Case Statement?

There are several reasons why you should use a JSON list in a JavaScript case statement:

  • Flexibility**: With a JSON list, you can easily add or remove values without modifying your JavaScript code.
  • Reusability**: A JSON list can be used across multiple parts of your code, reducing redundancy and increasing maintainability.
  • Readability**: JSON lists make your code more readable by separating data from logic.

Setting Up Your JSON File

Create a new file called `data.json` with the following content:

  "colors": [
  "shapes": [

This JSON file contains two lists: `colors` and `shapes`. We’ll use these lists as arguments in our JavaScript case statements.

Creating a JavaScript Case Statement with a JSON List

Create a new JavaScript file called `script.js` with the following code:

const data = require('./data.json');

let userInput = prompt("Enter a color or shape: ");

switch (userInput) {
  case ...data.colors:
    console.log("You entered a color!");
  case ...data.shapes:
    console.log("You entered a shape!");
    console.log("Invalid input!");

Let’s break down what’s happening here:

  • const data = require('./data.json'); imports the `data.json` file and assigns it to the `data` variable.
  • let userInput = prompt("Enter a color or shape: "); prompts the user to enter a value.
  • The `switch` statement checks the value of `userInput` against the values in the `colors` and `shapes` lists.
  • The `…` spread operator is used to “unwrap” the JSON lists and pass them as individual values to the `case` statements.
  • The `break` statements are used to exit the `switch` statement once a match is found.

How to Use a JSON List with Multiple Values

Sometimes, you might need to use a JSON list with multiple values in a single case statement. In that case, you can use the `includes()` method:

switch (userInput) {
  case data.colors.find(color => data.shapes.includes(color)):
    console.log("You entered a color that's also a shape!");
  case data.colors:
    console.log("You entered a color!");
  case data.shapes:
    console.log("You entered a shape!");
    console.log("Invalid input!");

In this example, we’re using the `find()` method to search for a value in the `colors` list that’s also present in the `shapes` list. If a match is found, we log a custom message to the console.

Using a JSON List with an Object

You can also use a JSON list with objects to create more complex data structures. For example:

  "cars": [
    { "brand": "Toyota", "model": "Corolla" },
    { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang" },
    { "brand": "Honda", "model": "Civic" }

To access the values in this list, you can use the `map()` method:

const carModels = data.cars.map(car => car.model);

switch (userInput) {
  case ...carModels:
    console.log("You entered a car model!");
    console.log("Invalid input!");

In this example, we’re using the `map()` method to extract the `model` values from the `cars` list and create a new array called `carModels`. We then use this array in the `switch` statement to check if the user input matches any of the car models.

Best Practices for Using JSON Lists in JavaScript

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using JSON lists in JavaScript:

  • Keep your JSON files organized**: Use clear and concise naming conventions for your lists and objects.
  • Use meaningful variable names**: Choose variable names that reflect the content of your JSON lists.
  • Validate user input**: Always validate user input to ensure it matches the expected format and values.
  • Use the `…` spread operator**: Use the `…` spread operator to “unwrap” JSON lists and pass them as individual values to functions or methods.


In this article, we’ve explored the wonderful world of JSON lists in JavaScript. We’ve learned how to create and use JSON lists as arguments in case statements, and how to work with multiple values and objects. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating more dynamic, flexible, and maintainable code.

Topic Key Takeaway
JSON Lists Use JSON lists to store collections of values and make your code more flexible and dynamic.
Case Statements Use the `…` spread operator to pass JSON lists as individual values to case statements.
Multiple Values Use the `includes()` method to check for multiple values in a JSON list.
Objects Use the `map()` method to extract values from objects in a JSON list.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this comprehensive guide to using JSON lists in JavaScript. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck on using a list in a JSON file as an argument for a case in JavaScript? Worry not, friend! We’ve got you covered with these top 5 FAQs to get you unstuck!

Q1: How do I access a list in a JSON file in JavaScript?

To access a list in a JSON file, you need to parse the JSON file using `JSON.parse()` and then access the list using dot notation or bracket notation. For example, if your JSON file contains `{“myList”: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}`, you can access the list using `const myList = JSON.parse(jsonData).myList;` or `const myList = JSON.parse(jsonData)[‘myList’];`.

Q2: Can I use a list from a JSON file directly in a JavaScript switch statement?

Unfortunately, you can’t use a list directly in a switch statement. However, you can iterate over the list using a `for…of` loop or `Array.prototype.forEach()` and perform the necessary actions based on each item in the list.

Q3: How do I iterate over a list from a JSON file in JavaScript?

You can iterate over a list from a JSON file using a `for…of` loop, like this: `for (const item of myList) { console.log(item); }`. Alternatively, you can use `Array.prototype.forEach()` like this: `myList.forEach(item => console.log(item));`.

Q4: Can I use a list from a JSON file to create a custom enum in JavaScript?

Yes, you can! You can create a custom enum by iterating over the list and creating an object with the list items as keys. For example: `const enumObj = {}; myList.forEach(item => enumObj[item] = item);`.

Q5: What if my list in the JSON file is nested? How do I access it?

If your list is nested, you can access it using dot notation or bracket notation. For example, if your JSON file contains `{“nested”: {“myList”: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}}`, you can access the list using `const myList = JSON.parse(jsonData).nested.myList;` or `const myList = JSON.parse(jsonData)[‘nested’][‘myList’];`.